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Gel.ProCCD Gel Documentation System

Gel.ProCCD Gel Documentation System

SKU: 216020

Sharp lens coupled to a zero defect, Sony scientific grade CCD or CMOS camera for clear and cutting edge images; the Gel.ProCCD gel documentation system, is a high quality, yet low cost professional gel and bio-imaging system. Options from DNA/RNA, agarose, protein, PAGE, western blots, dot blots, colorimetric to fluorescent & chemi-fluorescent imaging, colony dishes and plates, TLC, ELISA Plates, Petri Dish etc. and upgradeable to chemiluminescence.



Featuring high resolution extremely sensitive 16-bit scientific grade CCD or CMOS cameras (with a choice of 6.3 or 20 megapixel monochrome low-light photographic sensors) featuring extremely low noise and dynamic flat field calibration coupled to a C-mount motorized zoom lens (with option for numerical feedback value) that is pre-focussed for different zooms or sample setting, mounted inside an enclosure that covers and protects the camera and lens. The camera, lens and cabinet connects via USB 3.0 to the laptop, desktop or touchscreen and can be controlled using live-view acquisition capture software.



Choice of illumination options with UV trans/epi lighting, wavelength-specific LEDs and more, add to the versatility of the system. UV roll-out transilluminator of size 20x20cm,  21x26cm can be provided in dual 302-312nm (detection range down to 0.1 ng with EtBr, SYBR etc.) and 365nm (additionally 254nm, for triple wavelength configuration), and even Red, Green, Blue LEDs ranges. Large filter size of transilluminator for gel images up to 26x26cm is available optionally, with extra large special filter size of up to 28x38cm is also available. Colorimetric samples up to 38x30cm can be captured. Epi-white light illumination from above is standard using two LED tubes, with an option for low (50%) & high (100%) intensity control. Optionally, ultraviolet epi-illumination in a variety of wavelengths (254/312/365nm) can also be provided. Standard Trans White light and Trans Blue light tables up to 25x25 cm are also available with options for sizes up to 30 x 37 cm.



The mild & stainless steel, epoxy coated microprocessor controlled dark room cabinet has features for UV irradiation safety switch that switches off the UV lights as soon as the door is opened. Additionally, a timer is provided that switches off UV/White light in case the user forgets to shut it off. Option to adjust timer for excision. Also, the user can opt for automatic switching on of the Dual Epi-White LEDs on opening of door and for automatic controls of UV light and exposure. A transilluminator cooling system is also provided to prevent overheating of gels. Option for a front viewing window (with amber filter) & 2 side access doors for gel observation & cutting. Gel platform temperature control (<34 C) & alignment templates also available.



For application specific emission filters, we offer four, seven and ten place filter wheels. Seven and ten place filter holders can be provided with manual as well as motorized control. In motorized control filter wheel holders, control can be done via the computer software. So the user doesn’t need to operate the filter wheel manually.

Gel image acquisition and control software has full function control panel which allows user to adjust camera, lens settings like exposure time settings, motorized zoom, focus and aperture (iris). Histogram display on the screen shows image saturation and indicates over-saturation/exposure.

Options for manual exposure, auto exposure and exposure for intense & faint bands are available. Application protocols can be further edited/created and saved with specific controls for light source, camera settings, exposures, aperture etc. The user can opt to choose the manual mode or automatic mode of light source, focus, exposure & aperture. Option for Manual or Motorized filter wheel with Triple, 4 or 7 filter slots are available.

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